#whitepaper Previous: [[4- The Big Picture]] **Littlefish** are the actors of the system. They are individuals who want to enable and enact change in the world. They come together on the Littlefish Platform to form colonies. **Colonies** are groups of littlefish. A group of friends, a digital community, a DAO, a business, a charity organization, … They have common goals to work towards.  Colonies perform real-world activities.  - A group of friends cleaning litter on the beach.  - A digital community collaborating towards social/environmental impact. - A DAO creating blockchain solutions for a use case. - A business announcing/developing/producing a new product.  - A charity organizing a new campaign to build houses for those in need.  These activities are documented in whatever way colony members choose - video, image, recordings, tweets, Instagram, … Collected multimedia is then published as NFTs called **Actions**. Actions are the [[13- The Attributes of Action#Proof of Activity PoA|**Proof of Activity**]] (PoA). They contain information showing that something has been done to impact the world. [[7- Why Purchase Actions|Actions can be sold]] to generate funding.  The rewards from the sale of Actions are shared between the colony and littlefish. **Everyone earns.** Next: [[6- Littlefish Action Model]]