# DAOWork Monthly Report 10 #project-catalyst #monthly-report **Previous Report**: [[DAOWork Monthly Report 9]] **Date Written**: 20th July 2023 **Dates Covered**: June 20th 2022 - July 20th 2023 ## Progress this month ### Module 1: Wallets ![[DAOWork - Modules#**Module 1: Wallets**#Key Milestones and expected deliveries#]] #### Progress report Wallet docs are done. All wallet docs can be found [here](https://littlefish-1.gitbook.io/dao-work/dao-work-landing-page/cardano-wallets) ### Module 2: Digital Work Tools ![[DAOWork - Modules#**Module 2: Digital Work Tools**#Key Milestones and expected deliveries#]] #### Progress report Our Digital Work Tools were rearranged last month and some tools had to be removed. After this process, the number of Digital Work Tools we had decreased to 47. We have written 7 new documents this month and Digital Work tools are done with 54 documents. Digital Work tools docs can be found [here](https://littlefish-1.gitbook.io/dao-work/dao-work-landing-page/tools-of-work). These are the new documents we have written: - [Gitbook](https://tools.littlefish.foundation/littlefish-research/all-docs/remote-work-tools/gitbook) - [Discourse](https://tools.littlefish.foundation/littlefish-research/all-docs/remote-work-tools/discourse) - [Sobol](https://tools.littlefish.foundation/littlefish-research/all-docs/remote-work-tools/sobol) - [Tally](https://tools.littlefish.foundation/littlefish-research/all-docs/remote-work-tools/tally) - [Crowdcast](https://tools.littlefish.foundation/littlefish-research/all-docs/remote-work-tools/crowdcast) - [Notion](https://tools.littlefish.foundation/littlefish-research/all-docs/remote-work-tools/notion) - [Mirror](https://tools.littlefish.foundation/littlefish-research/all-docs/remote-work-tools/mirror) DAO tools map work is done and can be seen [here](https://map.littlefish.foundation). ### Module 3: Cardano DAO Tools ![[DAOWork - Modules#**Module 3: DAO Tools**#Key Milestones and expected deliveries:]] #### Progress report We have created a DAO Tools map [**here**](https://map.littlefish.foundation). It includes our DAO Tools documents, Digital Work Tools documents, Wallets, DeFi Tools and DAO Tools on other blockchains. ## Discussion In addition to the modules, we have done a workshop on Tools of DAO Work. The workshop can be found [**Here**](https://youtu.be/69JxDCSGS0E) With the Digital Work Tools, DAO Tools Map and Workshop on Tools of DAO Work done, we have reached all milestones of this proposal.