# IKIGAI Monthly Report 4 #project-catalyst #monthly-report [**Previous Report**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CY0Us8l3fAeIZZLcCocXRr6qvEH9fAaSB1LvaKheOQA/edit) **Date Written**: 20th February 2023 **Dates Covered**: December 19th 2022 - February 20th 2023 ## General Outlook The project is delayed as per the original timeline. We expect to hit proposal goals and close the proposal by April. We haven't submitted a monthly report for December-January. The month passed with a break, and a reorganization phase where our focus was getting aligned on the year ahead. During the reorganization we've decided a general direction for the IKIGAI application. We're building a Role-Playing Game (RPG) like character creation system where the characters are inspired by the ideas in IKIGAI. The main problem with building such a system is determining the data that defines what a character is. IKIGAI gives us the four questions: - What are you good at? Your skills, knowledge, .... - What the world needs? organizational/communal/local/global needs - What do you love? Your passions, interests, values - What you can be paid for? Your expertise, money making skills This gets us a foundation to work with. Yet determining which of these data points is useful is a matter of experimentation. The next challenge is getting that data from a user in a short amount of time, in a fun way so as to not bore them. This is our main focus right now. Our methodology is to get a working prototype ready, put data into it from real users, then experiment with the data, and methodologies to extract the data from users. ## Progress this month ### Module 3: Design UI/UX, Technical Specification ![[Ikigai - Modules#Module 3: Design UI/UX, Technical Specification]] #### Progress report ##### Designs We've started the work on designs and technical specifications. We're using AI generated designs with Midjourney to give general design direction. Here's the POC we're working with: ![[app-profile-poc-design.png]] Here are some preliminary designs for the resources we'll be using. A logo for the Open-Mindedness value ![[open mindednessII.png]] A logo for Problem Solving skill ![[problem solving.png]] A logo for Strategic Thinking skill ![[strategic thinking.png]] The aim for next month is to generate lots of such designs and to get an MVP design for the character page to be implemented in the app. We aim to finish up on these v1 designs by next report. #### Workshops We started holding workshops to co-design the characters of the app with our community. Here are two sessions from our Persona Workshops, where we created example personas. ![[Pasted image 20230220162240.png]] These workshops allow us to imagine the characters in the app once completed. We will continue with the workshops to design the how the character creation system works. ### Module 4: Development ![[Ikigai - Modules#Module 4: Development]] #### Progress report We started work on development in late January. The git repo can be found [here](https://github.com/littlefish-foundation/ikigai). The development work is going hand-in-hand with the technical specifications. Our thinking is that we build out the characters experimentally, play with data with real users from the littlefish community, to collect feedback and shape what it means to be a littlefish character. Hence, our first aim is to get a working system where a characters information can be found. The current look is like this: ![[characters-v01.jpeg]] Our next steps are to build app basics around the character screens, where users can login and create/update their own characters, then iterate with feedback from real users.