# IKIGAI Monthly Report 7 #project-catalyst #monthly-report **Previous Report**: [[IKIGAI Monthly Report 6]] **Date Written**: 20th May 2023 **Dates Covered**: April 20th 2023 - May 20th 2023 ## General Outlook We've launched our landing page at https://littlefish.foundation. We have decided to go with ## Progress this month ### Module 3: Design UI/UX, Technical Specification ![[Ikigai - Modules#Module 3: Design UI/UX, Technical Specification]] We've decided to go with a 3d field for our UI. We're now experimenting with ideas on how to implement an IKIGAI field. Here are some mockups from Miro. ![[Pasted image 20230520181333.png]] And oh yeah, we're considering using the ADA symbol. We'll see if we can make something out of the combination of ADA and IKIGAI. Here are some mechanics we're considering: The Hand of God to move around pieces of your IKIGAI ![[Pasted image 20230520181947.png]] Alternatively, we could have the field be populated automatically: ![[Pasted image 20230520182610.png]] We could implement an axis with things on the center being more and more important to the user. ![[Pasted image 20230520182640.png]] ### Module 4: Development ![[Ikigai - Modules#Module 4: Development]] #### Progress report Over the past few months we've had several discussions of how we wanted to implement an IKIGAI UI. IKIGAI is a visual tool and the most important thing is for it to be a fun experience while doing it. Simply answering a few questions as if filling in a survey didn't sit well with us, so we decided it was the best option to provide a gamified experience in 3d. We don't have any experience with building 3d worlds, but we aren't aiming at something too complicated, and with the advent of AI learning and building this type of tool has become much simpler. So this month, we've spent on learning and trying things out with threejs. We've researched many other 3d modeling libraries on JS, but decided to go with threejs as it has a lot of content online, and has the features we want. We're not looking to build a full on game so it's limited gaming functionality suits us. Next month we'll have a basic v1 ready to play.